Fulton Street Farmer’s Market makeover planned

Midtown Neighborhood Association recently launched the second phase of a planning process to guide redevelopment of the Fulton Street Farmer’s Market and the surrounding neighborhood, known as the Brikyaat.

Currently, the plan calls for mixed use redevelopment, infrastructure improvements, and higher density housing to serve residents with a variety of incomes. The revitalization plan also aims to makeover blighted housing and explore the possibility of improving and expanding the current farmer’s market. The goal would be to create a year round facility.

The Brikyaat takes its name from the former brickyard where Dutch immigrants worked at the turn of the century. The low-end worker’s housing that was originally built in the area has not changed much for the better in the past 100 years.

Lott3Metz Architecture and Nederveld Associates is managing the project in partnership with MNA boards and staff members as well as neighboring community members. Planning is expected to be completed by summer’s end.

Source: Christine Helms-Maletic, Chairperson, Midtown Neighborhood Association
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