Volunteerism :Featured Stories

141 Articles | Page:
Feature Story kathryn-agar-kitten1

Fostering kittens during the pandemic

Feature Story Jeff Robinson of Hybrid Machining removes a 3D printed face mask from a printer donated by Reed City on March 30, 2020 at Hybrid Machining in Holland. Robinson is donating his time and his space to help create more face shields and masks for essentia

Volunteers launch 3D printer network to fill gap amid PPE shortage

Feature Story Carmen VanHaitsma

Feature Story Holland Rescue Mission staff Aaron Paul and Lonny Young show off donated reusable cloth masks that will help keep staff, volunteers and residents at the shelter safe.

Mission takes extra steps to protect homeless from COVID-19

Feature Story Love In Action staff sort food donations.

Feature Story Community Kitchen Assistant Rachel Nolan holds hot meals boxed and ready to go home with those who come to the soup kitchen daily.

Community Kitchen mission continues with boxed meal pickup

Feature Story mike-goorhouse-box

Lakeshore nonprofits make it safe and easy to help from home

Feature Story WOC

Women of Color GIVE embraces inclusive philanthropy model

Feature Story Ottawa county nonprofits launch the web page careottawacounty.com to connect people with resources and ways to help those impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak.

United Way offers opportunities to help during coronavirus crisis

Feature Story Dr. Katherine Sage

RapidChat: Dr. Katherine Sage on life as a young physician

141 Articles | Page: