Healthcare :Featured Stories

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Feature Story Emily Polet-Monterosso became active when she learned she was a match to donate her kidney. Now she's climbing Mount Kilimanjaro to show what people with only one kidney can do.

Holland native and kidney donor to climb Mount Kilimanjaro

Longform Edward Lofton and his mother Joanna Lofton, community resource specialist at the Autism Alliance of Michigan. Edward lives with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and, like many people with ASD, has faced unique challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Longform Kevin Fischer.

Michigan prepares for long-term mental health effects of COVID-19

Feature Story MSOH episode 5 art

PODCAST: Reconnecting to behavioral health care in a time of crisis

Longform Scott Hutchins, school mental health and Medicaid consultant for the Michigan Department of Education Office of Health and Nutrition Services.

Michigan schools adopt new software to expand mental health services

Feature Story family COVID

Navigate family gatherings by setting a ‘comfort baseline’

Feature Story MSOH episode 4 art

326 Articles | Page: