Momentum-MI taps talented trio to tackle booking appointments with technology

It's a pain point that any multi-tasking, over-scheduled, overworked and overwhelmed individual knows all too well.

It's "the joy" of making simple appointments for everyday tasks, such as haircuts, guitar lessons, yoga or any other relatively mundane activity, only to end up spending an inordinate amount of time and energy working around schedules and balancing work and family demands.  

While many people plow through the frustration, Mel Bugai, a software developer with expertise in user-experience, found this aggravation presented itself as a business opportunity rather than an unavoidable headache.

Bugai is one of the three co-founders of Booker, a service with a mission is to make online scheduling easy for customers and painless for businesses.

The concept is compelling enough for Booker to be selected as part of the Momentum-MI program, giving the team (Bugai, along with her husband Tim Bugai and Samuel Bowles), the opportunity to go "all-in" with their project and focus fulltime on getting their product to market.

"As software developers and designers, the product comes natural for us, but we are looking for help on the business and customer development side. They have really great mentors," Bugai explains, referencing the Momentum program.

Although the product is in private beta, individuals can go to their site to register and to learn more about the application.

Source: Mel Bugai, Booker
Writer: John Rumery, Innovation and Jobs Editor
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