Web and software development firm moves to downtown Grand Rapids, looking to add talent

Moving their offices from Zeeland to downtown Grand Rapids, Elevator Up is looking to both grow their business and become more involved in the local entrepreneurial and creative communities.

According to Aaron Schaap, the move makes sense on multiple levels. "I started the co-working space The Factory in downtown Grand Rapids, and we ended up  working and spending a lot of time there," he says. "There are also way more people doing way more things in Grand Rapids than [in] the Zeeland and Holland area."

With the move complete, Schaap is now actively recruiting for two positions at Elevator Up -- a project/account manager and a sales position. Like many tech firms, filling these positions has not been easy.

"Recent college graduates might have the technical skills, but oftentimes lack the experience,"  Schaap says, although he is understanding of the "no-experience" dilemma of new graduates.

When asked what his advice is for those looking to break into the tech job market, Schaap says, "My advice is stop asking for a job. If someone posted a job, it is too late. Get involved and become heavily connected. Go to events on the Conga website."

When the two available positions have been filled, these additions will bring the Elevator Up team to six. For details on the positions available at Elevator Up, you can visit their website here.

Source: Aaron Schaap, Elevator Up
Writer: John Rumery, Innovation and Job News Editor
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