Customer engagement drives growth and jobs for marketing firm

Nicole Meloche describes her firm's speciality as "growth marketing." This is an apt description, considering that since Meloche moved back to West Michigan in 2011, her business, Organik Consulting, has grown from one employee to six, developed a network of 20 independent contracts, grown revenue almost 300 percent, and established offices in Grand Rapids, Traverse City, and Ann Arbor.

Meloche attributes the firm's growth to a commitment of customer engagement, which involves the use of multiple, focused channels of communication (such as social media) to help organizations connect, listen, learn, and engage directly from their customer base. "We are interested in changing the conversation," says Meloche.

Recently, Organik found success in the political and advocacy arena, having just completed a project for the Michigan Chamber of Commerce and the Grow Michigan Jobs engagement campaign focused on the defeat of several ballot proposals that the Chamber deemed detrimental to job growth. Organik has also started work with the Troy Chamber of Commerce and a coalition of public and private partners to provide social media assistance, content development, and video support for efforts to win approval of mass transit legislation.

In her spare time, Meloche is co-authoring a book called the Tag Economy, providing more insight into the power of customer engagement in the world of social media.

To learn more about Organik Consulting, you can view their website here.

Source: Nicole Meloche, Organik Consulting
Writer: John Rumery, Innovation and Jobs News Editor
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