
It all begins with an ordinary bird called the sociable weaver that can be found in southern Africa. This tiny little bird builds a giant nest that is home to over 100 pairs of birds of all different species. Nest founders Matt and Kristin Fowler think this is a beautiful model of how to live and function together. they aim to mimic what is already being done in nature by building a home with neighbors in mind. They want their home to be a diverse place where many people from all different walks of life might find rest.

Passionate about seeing healthy food reach the tables of people in the Baxter neighborhood, the Fowlers created the Treehouse Community Garden in 2012. They raised over $20,000 in labor and materials for the garden space. Today, more than 10 neighborhood families are currently receiving fresh, seasonal produce from this garden.
More recently, the Fowlers began raising funds to build The Nest next to the community garden. To date, they have collected nearly 58 percent of their goal, but also recognize the need for many skilled professionals and donated materials to pull the project off. The start date for The Nest is dependent on funding and materials.
The Nest
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503