Defining equality sets a new organization in motion

When the City of Holland rejected the unanimous recommendation of its own Human Relations Commission, who crafted an anti-discrimination ordinance designed to protect the basic civil liberties of the city’s LGBT residents and workers, it sounded an alarm in West Michigan.
The act of exempting a group of people from discrimination protection had many people and businesses in shock. This is how Until Love is Equal found a reason to exist, persist and advocate for a re-vote.
“It is no longer enough to privately object to harm: neutrality is complicity. No more sitting down. We're standing,” explains Founder and Director Erin Wilson. “Until Love Is Equal came into existence at 10 a.m. on June 16, 2011, the day after the vote went down in Holland. It was too close to home -- West Michigan's cities are connected to one another.”
While the organization pursues its nonprofit status, it has been moving forward at lightning speed. In fact, Until Love is Equal has become one of the most rapidly mobilized grassroots movements in West Michigan history. They have had a presence at every Holland City Council meeting, created PSAs for equality and developed a website that shares their mission and sells their branded apparel.
 “I'm an educated, able-bodied, white, straight, male, middle-class American,” continues Wilson. “I'm obligated to use inherited advantages to advocate for those whose liberties and freedoms are being diminished. This is what it means to be American. It's an obligation, not a bragging right.”
He means business, and that means fundraising to continue the efforts of the organization. There are two upcoming events in which the organization will benefit. On Oct. 22, a gala will take place at The Piper in Holland. Tickets are $30. Additionally, there is an event at The Meanwhile in Grand Rapids on Nov. 17 where a percentage of sales will be donated.
Want to do good and get involved with the organization? Stand up with Until Love is Equal. Here’s how:
• Visit their website to learn more 
• Get social by finding them on social media 
• Attend their gala on Oct. 22 at the Piper in Holland 
Contact the Holland City Council 
• Check out other upcoming events
• Wear the apparel 
Source: Erin Wilson, Until Love is Equal
Writer: Jennifer Wilson, Do Good Editor
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