Tech entrepreneur solves collection headaches

According to Brian Anderson, president and founder of Develomatic, solving problems and finding ways to help people are his prime motivations when developing new technology applications.  

In the case of his latest app, Pay It Square, the inspiration came from his experiences as a volunteer in a soccer league. Here, he encountered the inevitable frustrations of trying to collecting money from everyone to pay for field rental, uniforms and various league fees. Sensing an opportunity, Anderson moved to develop an app to help organize and keep track of group payments.

With Pay It Square, you can notify your friends, donors, attendees or any group of people from whom you need to collect payments. Payments are then made online through credit cards, bank accounts, or PayPal balances. The software then allows you to track who has paid and who hasn't.

With development beginning in 2007, Pay It Square received a big boost this past November when it won the 2010 PayPal Request/Send Money X Award. The award came with a $10,000 prize and, most importantly, "tons of exposure."

Anderson points to their strategic decision to align themselves with PayPal as a key to their success and their future growth. Although further development is needed, "the user base and number of transactions are growing." Anderson is very optimistic, especially considering PayPal is in the process of launching a platform of applications specific to their services, which will include Pay it Square.

Anderson's advice to local developers is to focus on functionality and to "build, release and then mold over time." For more information, you can visit their website.

Source; Brian Anderson, President of Develomatic
Writer: John Rumery, Innovation and Jobs Editor
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