Saugatuck - Douglas

Whoever coined the phrase 'Location, location, location," might have had Saugatuck-Douglas in mind. The region is located approximately two hours northeast of Chicago, the Midwest's most prosperous and fastest-growing urban region, and less than an hour southwest of Grand Rapids, which is arguably Michigan's most attractive big city.

Factor in the striking Lake Michigan shoreline, the globally unique freshwater dune system, a thriving local arts scene, and a bunch of cool shops and people and it's no surprise why the Saugatuck-Douglas area is regularly ranked as one of the most popular places on Michigan's West Coast. 

Michigan signs Great Lakes compact

New energy policy hits Gov. Granholm's desk

Michigan nears agreement on Great Lakes Compact

Michigan's Blue Bubble

Film industry incentives pump $233M into state economy

Cascade Engineering names first distributor of residential wind turbines