Equity Drinks: Cops and rifle talks

In 2015, shortly after the San Bernardino shootings in California, the Grand Rapids Police Department announced their intention to move ahead with the purchase of 65 assault rifles — a purchasing decision later confirmed through a 5-2 vote by the City Commission on December 15.

The leadership of Equity Drinks took an important step at this meeting, addressing the commission by reading a carefully prepared statement crafted by their leadership asking for a delay on the vote. They asked that a final approval be delayed until the city’s 12-point police community relations plan has been fully completed.

And while Equity Drinks has been featured over time in both our features and within G-Sync events since their inception, the growth of the group warrants some serious consideration within City Hall, as many of the people attending the group’s gatherings, often held in local watering holes in the city, possess some impressive resumes, with many coming from sectors of our city serving diverse groups of people.

This special night, held in the heart of Creston’s neighborhood, is unique in that instead of welcoming a nonprofit leader to present to those who gather, GRPD’s Chief Rahinsky will be addressing the group, engaging on the topic of the 12-point plan and presenting his case for why the new rifles were a necessity for a modern police force like ours.

It is interesting to note that in the hours leading up to and immediately after President Barack Obama announced that he will be closing our nation’s gun sales loopholes, sales have skyrocketed again. It gives folks on all sides of the issue something to consider, especially in light of the Oregon standoff that, at press time, is going on day three of their takeover of a federal building.

Equity Drinks is a way for institutional leaders, business owners, activists, and organizers in the community to gather and network around topics impacting the city and/or region.  The Thursday night event will also welcome Special Needs Advocacy Alliance of Kent County to present at 5:45 p.m. and before the 6 p.m. scheduled talk with the Chief.

Admission: Free
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