Software makes online transactions more secure

"Many people are under the false impression that email is a secure way to send information," says Mac Fowler, one of the developers behind

Fowler, a board member of aimWest and one of the four team members of InetSolution says the inspiration for SecureFileExechange came from the work they have done in the financial sector.

"We do a lot of existing work with banks and credit unions and found that many individuals, especially on the marketing side, don't necessarily understand the need for security," he says.

Their solution is a product that allows people to securely send data to one or multiple users. The software is designed to be in compliance with banks, credit unions, insurance companies and other regulated industries.

Time-intensive customer education of the security issues in online communication and transactions remains one of the biggest hurdles for the growth of SecureFileExchange. As Fowler points out, "we're only four guys."  

However, he says their company has already launched a companion product, which they hope will help with the education initiatives.

" is a free product that features an easy way to send large files, securely, but without the compliance-based features," he explains.

By offering this free service, Fowler expects that customers will be impressed with the usability of their software, which will provide their team a platform to sell their premium services.

For more information on SecureFileExchange, you can visit their site here.

Source: Mac Fowler, InetSolutions
Writer: John Rumery, Innovation and Jobs Editor
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