Doing more with less drives Solid Design Simple Solution's success

Newt Gingrich recently proposed that all government agencies incorporate "Lean Six Sigma" in order to eliminate waste and become more efficient.

For local agency Solid Design Simple Solution (SDSS), the spirit of that approach is old news. 

According to Pranay Rajgarhia, founder, SDSS has been helping local government agencies "do more with less" since he started his business in 2004. To meet this demand, SDSS recently added two staff members to his team: Steve Kraai and James Brown.

"Our process is about getting down and dirty with our clients," states Raigarhia. "Lean, Six Sigma and other approaches are all okay, but they are not a silver bullet."

The SDSS approach to the very complex problems of working in government bureaucracies is holistic and involves a healthy dose of "common sense" and having their team "live a day in the life" of their clients. "It has to be a complete solution," stresses Raigarthia.

SDSS is currently working with the Ottawa County Sheriff Department to improve communication among prosecutors, attorneys, courts and jails. 

To learn more about SDSS and their unique approach to improving efficiencies in organizations, you can visit their site here.

Source: Pranay Rajgarhia, SDSS
Writer: John Rumery, Innovation and Jobs News Editor.

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