
Locally-owned financial planning firm opens in renovated East Hills storefront

Feature Story Claire Guisfredi

UIX: Claire Guisfredi and NKCS help community thrive

Innovation News JNcompassinsurance

Compass Insurance moves, hires, and predicts new neighborhood is next to 'blow up'

Momentum builds as Retirement Wealth Advisors readies to hire 25 operations, financial professionals

Jobs are being added at Northpointe Bank

Huron River Ventures invests in innovation

Local credit union announces new CFO

Feature Story FTgsyncLIST

G-Sync: Local Ballot Measure is a Real Job Killer*

5/3 Bank looks to fill 93 banking jobs in West Michigan, Lansing, Saginaw

Kalamazoo bank says promising West MI economy is reason for new branch in downtown Grand Rapids

Two new West Michigan Community Bank branches bring 11 financial jobs to Grand Rapids, Zeeland