AB EP: Down Home in the 616

Saturday, May 18, 9 p.m. doors
The last time A.B. took the stage in a show of this scale, it was on the occasion of the fall election. He invited event partners Bottom 40 and Generation X & Y for MI to pull together a Presidential-sized cabinet of hip hop for "A.B. for President."

Now six months later, A.B. hits the Pyramid Scheme stage again. But this time, the occasion is his new EP, AB, the many faces of...

This new EP is really a celebration of our region, according to A.B.

"I'm learning about myself and about others around me through these new songs -- the interconnectivity of the ‘616’ and the experiences that we all share here," says A.B. "People are going to notice a more focused approach to my songwriting and as a result, get a better idea of who I am though this very personal writing style."

Fans got a taste a few weeks ago when A.B. dropped a new video that references the beats of the new Justin Timberlake track, "Suit & Tie". But just don't look for it on the new EP, since it is only available on the artist's Soundcloud site.

In addition to celebrating the release of all new material, A.B. welcomes guest artists Convotronics, MARCH FORTH, Nina Vo'cals & Ethan Dang, Gray Theory, Mr. Fables, Jimmy T, George Moss, and Mr. Jay B on the 1s & 2s.

Admission: 21+ $6 advance ($8 day of) /18+ $7 advance ($10 day of)
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