Featured Creatures: Artists' Spooky Vision

Art Opening Friday, May 10, 6 - 9 p.m.
Writers can often be mistaken for visual artists until we open our Moleskin books and the truth of the content sorts it all out. And when artist and illustrator Anthony Carpenter opens his always-in-hand booklet, you can be sure the man who is always drawing our culture has probably tapped a vein others would never consider.

Finally, after a year of discussions, Carpenter has found a perfect setting for Featured Creatures, a themed show of local artists' takes on popular creatures from horror films.

The diverse array of monsters reflects the delicious and perverse tastes of the area's emerging artists, including students, the classically trained, and outsider artists. Carpenter, while highly personal in his selection of artists, has created a collection with truly something for everyone.

"Surprisingly, the Featured Creatures show nearly splits down the middle gender-wise. Since I was picking artists based on specific qualities in their work and not on who will draw the coolest monsters, we ended up with 10 women and 8 men," says Carpenter. "The only rules I gave the artists were to create a piece or pieces interpreting the movie monster of their choice in the style of their choosing, and to make it interesting. I thought it was more important to present things people wouldn't expect rather than just a series of ordinary monster pictures."

The results are that we see Zombie Chicken, the Creature From The Black Lagoon, Edward Scissorhands, and a swatch of the cosmic Lovecraftian fabric. To add to the excitement of the exhibition, the night's soundtrack will be presented by musician and horror buff Chris Eddy, who'll be showcasing a very special selection of music for the patrons.

And there couldn't be a more perfect host than Ronnie Mack Edison's Division Avenue space, Ice Cream Gallery & Toys. And while some might come down to see the art, they should really take a moment to look in the jewelry cases at the vinyl toys that Ronnie has for sale. They are truly a remarkable collection, just like the art.

Admission: Free…but seriously, buy some art or a new toy here this weekend.
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