Grand Rapids Brewing Co.: Midwest's First Organic Brewery Opens

Grand Opening: Wednesday, Dec. 5, 3 p.m.
After a host of accolades for our region  -- from being named Beer City USA (a tie with Ashville, NC) to an expansive exhibit on the history of Grand Rapids' beer at the Grand Rapids Public Museum -- comes another first that is worth shouting from the rooftops of our city. We proclaim now and forever that Grand Rapids Brewing Co. is home to the Midwest’s very first organic brewery.

When the doors open to the public on Dec. 5 at 3 p.m., one can expect to see lines down Ionia and onto Fulton as beer fans from all over will flock to try one of the 12 brand new beers slated to be released.

In addition to offering a elegant move back in time with heritage and inspired-by beers perfect for their relaxed environment, GRBC also made use of materials that were destined for the landfill. Old wood has been converted into new structures and former (and outdated) sprinkler pipes have become table legs.

But the reason you are here is because of the beer, and I can safely say there are a few sure bets that you will not want to miss.  

Their dry stout is a nice 6.55 ABV caramel-like beer with nice roasting notes wedded to a bone dry and smooth finish. This, according to Grand Rapids Brewing Company’s head brewer Jake Brenner and brew master Stu Crittenden, will be the favorite beer of the beererati.

The only beer that has a name at press time is the Silver Foam, an original American Pilsner from a heritage recipe of our region.  

If you can get in the door on Wednesday, you can expect to sample a hoppy Belgium pale, a German pilsner bock, a nut brown, a blonde ale with plenty of mango notes infused with Ceylon black tea (“for the ladies,” according to Brenner), and a very traditional West Coast IPA with a varietal mixture of hops that are distinctly a new American signature taste.

When I pressed about the fact that IPAs are best consumed closest to the source, Brenner laughs.

“I would guess as the crow flies sitting at the GRBC bar, you are maybe 60 feet away,” says Brenner. “But if you want to be really specific, you actually will be standing right on top of them. Our kegs are right below where you are seated.”  

Now that’s close. This honest beer milestone is one we can all celebrate finally on Dec. 5 when a classic returns and in coming back, brings changes and healthy practices to our region and how outsiders view us. Drink up, Michigan craft beer fans. This one is for you and your health.

Admission: Free, Organic Beer is not. There is a full dinner menu.
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