Kate Spade: Katia Kuthe & Phillip Duncan in GR

Wednesday, April 24, 5:30 p.m. Happy Hour, 6:00 p.m. Program Begins
It is hard to imagine the road we have traveled since 2008 when our region's design talent gathered at the Grand Rapids JW Marriott to launch our own AIGA chapter after years of sharing our audience with Detroit, formerly the only professional level chapter in the state (colleges and university chapters existed here and there). What a journey it has been.

Part of the mission of our West Michigan chapter of the AIGA has been to package and present our designers on a world stage, but to also invite talent to visit our city. The names have been stellar, including inspiring workshops and lectures from the likes of D.C.'s Design Army, the community-focused Marc O'Brien, and iconic Louise Fili.

On Wednesday, April 24, two guests from the design powerhouse of Kate Spade will be in town. The buzz across a wide swath of our creative community is that you better get tickets now, because when Katia Küthe (Director of Creative Services) and Phillip Duncan (Art Director) touch down at GRR, you can bet the design community will be whipped into a frenzy of anticipation.

According to AIGA West Michigan's Gwen O'Brien, "Küthe and Duncan will be presenting a little bit about their design process at Kate Spade and how to create an effective campaign with a spotlight on fashion."

As an added benefit, there will be a fashion show beforehand presented by Kendall College of Art and Design's Fashion Studies Program.

True to AIGA WM's mission of expanding contacts and education in our market, Küthe and Duncan will be leading a workshop at KCAD open to 15 students from our area the following day.

Admission:  $20 AIGA WM Members, $30 General Public, and $10 Students
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