Medea: Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

World-Premiere Thursday, July 12, 8 PM (Through July 21)
In our region we speak of collaboration, but rarely do we have a chance to see it unfold on many levels and in such a celebrated manner.

What began as a theatrical workshop piece (local actors), the Greek tragedy "Medea" by Euripides was propelled through the leadership and artistic input of GVSU professors and staff alongside our community’s Heritage Theatre Group (volunteers), resulting in capturing the attention of academic publisher Cambridge University Press, who will be releasing this new and most faithful translation to the world.

And don’t make the mistake of calling this an adaptation to the stage, as I found out recently.  

“Ah! Here's the thing: it is NOT an adaptation! It is a translation. A faithful translation,” said GVSU Theater’s Karen Libman, MFA.  “That's what makes it unique in a way -- and why Cambridge University Press is publishing yet another "Medea" -- because Diane [Rayor] has done a faithful to the original Greek translation into English that is also playable and theatrical! So, please don't call it an adaptation.”      

Libman is quite familiar Dr. Rayor’s abilities as she assisted in helping bring her 2010 version of "Antigone" to the stage. This version was also published by Cambridge University Press.

"Medea" is about a woman who sacrificed everything for the man she believed loved her, only to discover that when he had used up what she had to give, he turned his gaze elsewhere.  

This story may seem pretty standard on the surface, but please remember this Greek tragedy was written in 431 BCE and is still a popular staple in classical theaters the world over. The best part for you is that you get a chance to see it in its purest form adapted, er, translated for our stage.  

And if you thought thrilling stories of love’s betrayal and murder at a woman’s hand is a uniquely the landscape of the modern femme, then you have never met "Medea."

Admission: $18 for adults, $14 for seniors, $8 for students.
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