Stepdad: Getting To Homeplate

Saturday, March 2, 8 p.m.
For many of us, it is very hard to imagine the indie music landscape before The Pyramid Scheme landed downtown. Sure, we had our smaller neighborhood clubs and a couple large-scale venues like The Intersection and The Orbit Room. But what we were always missing, that middle tier, was finally filled when The Pyramid Scheme arrived.

In a short span of time, many local acts have developed a true fondness for this downtown venue. One of those acts, our very own Stepdad, shares this sentiment as they return to PS, the same venue where they launched their Fall 2012 tour. If you were there, then you might remember with a bit of haze what a celebration this show was.

"We really think of the Pyramid Scheme as our home base," says Stepdad frontman Ultramark. "And when we return this Saturday night, it will give us a chance to showcase for our hometown fans a few new tunes we have written."

This new material will be from their upcoming release projected to drop, according to Ultramark, before the end of 2013 or the beginning of 2014. The show will also be a raucous celebration of people lifting their glasses high in the air, singing favorites like "My Leather, My Fur, My Nails," and one of Ultramark's favorites to play live, "Will I Ever Dance Again?" (He just likes the way it sounds live.)

Rounding out the show on Saturday at The Scheme will be one of my favorites, electro-pop duo Alexis, and the not newly formed, but newly renamed Detroit act, Flint Eastwood (formerly known as POWER).

Admission: $10 at the door
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