[title of show]: Cult Favorite Debuts

There is a new musical opening in Grand Rapids that has such a huge cult following within a certain demographic that it might be difficult to gain access if you wait too long for the buzz to reach your ear.

And while you might think the obvious answer is Hedwig and the Angry Inch, the NYC cult favorite also debuting this week at Dog Story Theater, the demographic creating local buzz is the twenty-something fan base of [title of show]. This much anticipated musical finally lands at Actors' Theatre of Grand Rapids at Grand Rapids Community College's Spectrum Theater this Thursday.

TOS is the story of Jeff and Hunter who, after deciding to enter a new musical theater festival, have it all going for them as the date get closer -- except the musical they promised to deliver. As they hurdle personal relationships, friendships, and even writers' block (it's real), they make discoveries along that way that are sure to light up the face of any creative type who has had a dream.

For Michelle Urbane, GRCC's manager of Spectrum Theatre, this is her third role as a director for Actors' Theatre, but only her first time directing a musical. Needless to say, she was a bit nervous, but felt this smallish cast and choice of subject matter actually offered something familiar.

"I connected to material, as I think it speaks to how theatre brings us together and the friendships that can evolve from it," says Urbane. "Many of us doing the show met each other doing theatre, so we understand those connections and how close they can become."

These connections are the reason TOS has a developed such devoted following with audience members unlike any other modern musical -- except maybe Wicked, but who can compete with a green woman flying high in the theatre on a broom while "Defying Gravity?"

TOS has not only touched the nerve of the creative process in a beautifully rich and original way, but it is a light-hearted musical with snappy tunes that explores the depths of how we create and why.

In the end, TOS reminds the viewer that, yes, you can dream and create a life you love. These characters do struggle, but they affirm that while life might give us the pits, we are left with a lovely bowl of cherries.

Admission:  Reserved tickets from $24
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