Grand Rapids University Club seeks younger members with $300,000 remodel, new executive chef

By: Deborah Johnson Wood

Leaders of the Grand Rapids University Club hope to attract new members, including a younger, family-oriented crowd, with a $300,000 renovation of its dining and athletic facilities and a new executive chef.

The U Club, 111 Lyon, recently announced the addition of Executive Chef Laurel Deruda, former chef and general manager of the Women's City Club of Grand Rapids, to its staff. Deruda plans to bring fresh, locally grown food to the menu, and will soon serve it in the updated, private dining room.

Beginning next month, crews will revamp the main dining area on the tenth floor. A moveable wall will expand the space to accommodate large wedding receptions and events. A redesigned entry completed in February opens and brightens the space. New artwork and a new L-shaped bar give the space a more contemporary feel.

"The purpose (of the changes) is to provide both an elegant dining experience for members and provide a venue for members to meet and discuss business issues in a private club atmosphere," says Larry Oberst, president. "The Grand Rapids has become more vibrant and the club has modeled those changes to become more diverse in its membership."

That membership, which began as men only, includes women business leaders and families.

The U Club also leases the basement level for its athletic club and another, more casual dining area. Both underwent renovation late last year and now sport new colors and furniture, flat screen televisions and several spinning cycles and other workout equipment.

"We're looking to see what our members would like us to bring in," says Oberst. "We expanded our fitness classes to appeal to different interests, and we expanded a golf league at Thousand Oaks and there's a lot of participation."

Source: Larry Oberst, University Club and BDO Seidman; Clare Wade, Clare Wade Communications

Deborah Johnson Wood is development news editor for Rapid Growth Media. She can be contacted at [email protected].

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