$34M Gallery on Fulton finally more than just a giant hole in Heartside

By: Deborah Johnson Wood

After months of digging, drilling and earthshaking pounding, the $34 million Gallery on Fulton sprouted the beginnings of poured concrete walls this week—a sign that more above-ground construction is on its way. Until now, passersby saw only huge yellow machines digging a city-lot-sized hole in the ground at the corner of Fulton and Division in Grand Rapids.

“It’s pretty exciting to see things coming above ground now,” says Nick Koster, vice president of development for CWD Real Estate Investment. CWD and Triangle Construction, both of Grand Rapids, and Chicago-based RSC & Associates are the project developers.

“The crews are now framing and pouring the tall wall between the 200-seat film theater and the five-level parking garage,” Koster says. “This is the first construction above grade; the first thing people can see above ground when they’re driving by. The basement walls are being poured and the basement floor has been poured.”

The Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts (UICA) signed on for 40,000 square feet of the building and will relocate when construction wraps up in late 2010. Plans for the UICA space include a film theater, a performance theater, a ceramics studio, an emerging artist studio, gallery space and administrative offices.

Above, 56 market rate apartments will overlook the city. The complex includes an attached 250-space parking ramp to the south. The City of Grand Rapids plans to purchase and operate the ramp.

Main level commercial spaces will front along Fulton and Division. CWD has not announced any tenants for those spaces.

Built Form Architecture designed the building. Triangle Construction in the construction manager.

Source: Nick Koster, CWD Real Estate Investment

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Deborah Johnson Wood is development news editor for Rapid Growth Media. She can be contacted at [email protected].

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