ArtPrize: Pictures Don't Do it Justice

As the Local Publisher (Business Manager) of Rapid Growth Media, I don't normally get to contribute to the editorial content of the publication. In fact, I usually joke with people that "I don't do any of the work but get all the credit."  But as ArtPrize quickly approached this past week, much like last year, I had the opportunity to take a sneak peak at about twenty different venues throughout the city and photo document the works being installed.  Unlike last year, I thought I'd share these pictures with our readers.  Keep in mind I'm just a hobby photographer, so go easy on me.

I've been venturing out into downtown Grand Rapids hitting as many venues as I can.  Those include the Grand Rapids Public Museum, UICA, the outdoor sculpture park at WMCAT, the Children's Museum, Alten Place at 15 S. Division (fabulous little venue with 62 GVSU artists), AKA @38, Fountain Street Church, Kendall College of Art & Design, and GRAM, just to name a few.  Some of these were media previews, while others were just opportunistic adventures on my part.  Already by the Sunday prior to ArtPrize's opening day, it was great to once again see the streets bustling with pedestrians and bicyclists just itching to get a chance to view the entries early (like myself).  

A few tips as you head down to check out the buzz this year: 

As mentioned in a previous article, ArtPrize is loaded with QR Codes and SCVNGR trek challenges, so if you have a smart phone, be sure to download those apps to enhance your experience.  Also, there are 1713 entries this year in 192 venues.  Even if you limited yourself to 15 minutes at each and every venue, that would equate to 48 continuous hours of ArtPrizing.  Unless you plan to take two weeks off of work, you probably won't see it all.  So check out the venues you might not normally visit, and pay attention to the buzz going on within the social media community to find out where the hidden ArtPrize gems are.  That's what we plan to do.

And last but not least, if you have children, be sure to expose them to each and every aspect of the event, even some of the work that might be a bit "out there."  It's a tremendous learning opportunity, and a chance to expose them to hundreds of different art mediums, all in one fell swoop.  The best art is not necessarily the kind that you'd hang on your living room wall, in my humble opinion.

These photos are just an appetizer.  ArtPrize truly is a multi-sensory experience, and cannot nearly be experienced fully in pictures.  As you view the art, walk through the streets, hear interesting comments and questions in the crowds, smell and taste the great food downtown, and feel a great sense of pride at living in such a rapidly "maturing" city, be sure to take it all in.

Happy ArtPrizing, and we'll see you on the streets of Grand Rapids!

Check out the slideshow below, or go to our Flickr Site to see more information about the artists and venues.

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